Is there a problem with your sewer line?
Residential & Commercial Sewer Scope Inspections
Whether you think you may have a blockage in your sewer pipes or a broken sewer line altogether, the first step is diagnosing the problem. While it may seem like a hard task to find the cause of those backed-up drains or drain blockages, Hahn Plumbing & Heating can help! Our experienced and professional technicians utilize state of the art equipment and technology to find your sewer line problem by conducting a sewer line scope inspection, which enables them to view the inside of your pipes that make up your sewer line.
What is a Sewer Scope Inspection?
A sewer scope inspection utilizes a mini camera that is inserted into your residential or commercial sewer line through the “clean out”. The cleanout is basically a capped access point to your sewer pipes and drain lines required by plumbing code so as to be able to access backed up drains and pipes. Once the sewer scope camera is placed within the cleanout, Hahn Plumbing & Heating technicians can explore within your sewer pipes to identify where a blockage or broken pipe may be.
The most common sewer line issues include:
Pipes– Broken, cracked, collapsed or misaligned pipes are often one of the biggest causes of sewer line issues. Weather elements can lead to frozen ground, shifting of soil and other factors that can affect your sewer line piping.
Blockage– A blockage within your sewer pipes can occur for many reasons. In commercial spaces such as restaurants, grease can be a leading factor in blockages. Also, foreign objects that make their way down your drains can lead to blockages as well.
Corrosion or Deterioration– Over time pipes can deteriorate and corrode due to age. Another factor may be you do not have PVC piping and instead, your sewer line pipes are made of another material. We see this a lot in the older homes built here in Colorado. The deterioration can lead to collapsed pipes which can inhibit proper flow.
Bellied Pipe– This happens when a portion of the pipe sinks into the ground allowing waste and water to build up.
Joint Issues– Leaking joints or the sections where your pipes connect can suffer from broken or damaged seals resulting in the leaking of water and other debris.
Whatever the cause of your sewer line issues, Hahn Plumbing & Heating can provide a sewer scope inspection to diagnose the problem. From there, our technicians can provide drain blockage or drain cleaning services, or should you need, sewer line repair or replacement.
Sewer Line Repair or Sewer Line Replacement…Let Us Help You
Where your trouble spots within your sewer line are located, is one of the overall deciding factors. If you have a couple of spots throughout your sewer line they can usually be repaired. If you have multiple trouble spots or pipes made from other materials besides PVC, a sewer line replacement may be recommended. Don’t wait for your sewer line problem to get bigger, creating the need for emergency plumbing service, and potentially causing more damage and unneeded expenses.
Call us today to schedule your sewer scope inspection!